Thank You For Your Voice – Editors are Listening and Bats are Benefiting
A reminder that our members DO make a difference! Leading news media outlets are changing tack, publishing more positive, and fewer negative, stories about bats as a direct result of MTBC members’ ongoing support and actions. Your vigilance brings misleading articles to our attention. Your support enables us to carefully document and explain issues of […]
Bat Flash: New York Times Misrepresents Rabies Facts
For at least the second time this year, The New York Times has published facts involving bats and disease in a misleading manner. At a time when bats are in special need of conservation, scary speculation is extremely counterproductive. In February of this year, we issued a Bat Flash, and members contacted Times authors and […]
Cave Management Workshop with Bat Survey Solutions
Loss of essential roosts, especially those in caves, appears to be the most important cause of North American bat decline and endangerment. Millions of bats have been lost from single caves, initially due to saltpeter extraction for gun powder, and later when they were further altered for tourism. Some caves were even burned due to exaggerated […]
Bat Flash: Step Two to Help Cairns’ Flying Foxes
(Scroll down for action links!) We want to thank each of you who contacted Mayor Bob Manning in response to our Bat Flash in March on behalf of an urgent threat to Australia’s now critically endangered spectacled flying foxes. We appear to be having important impact, as just reported by Sera Steves, Secretary, Bats and Trees Society […]
Member Night Bat Cruise
This year’s member night bat cruise was, as usual, a fun event and included MTBC members from as far away as the United Kingdom. Due to unusually frequent spring showers, the bats have been waiting till sundown to emerge, but are still attracting large crowds of viewers. Our April 12 cruise participants enjoyed a large, […]
Bat Flash! Australian Flying Foxes Urgently Need Immediate Help
Cairns Mayor, Bob Manning, wants to force flying fox survivors to leave his city. This is planned for the near future, making it an urgent issue. Recent heat stress and starvation have killed 1/3 of the flying foxes in his city. Survivors remain in grave danger. One simple, impactful thing we can do is email this Australian mayor,, politely asking […]
Bat Flash! Scientific Credibility Under Siege—Sound Data Versus Premature Speculation
Just as we enter a period of exceptional need for reliable science to protect and restore a healthy planet, too many traditionally prestigious science journals and institutions are rewarding bad science. (1) (2) “Scientists are supposed to relentlessly probe the fabric of reality with the most rigorous and skeptical of methods.” (3) Yet traditionally credible journals like Nature and Science are increasingly publishing sensational […]
Selecting a Quality Bat House
Since Merlin first introduced bat houses to North America in 1982, one of the most frequently asked questions has been, “Where can I purchase a good bat house?” The next question that always follows is, “How do I know bats will come?” Over the decades, we’ve learned much about bat preferences and how to attract […]
Climate Change and Bats
There is now unequivocal evidence that climate change and associated weather extremes are accelerating at unprecedented rates due to human activities. (1) (2) (3) At the UN Climate Summit in December 2018, Sir David Attenborough warned that “If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is […]
A Big Step for Bats
Today’s issue of TheScientist contains another outstanding example of how MTBC is making a unique, but critical difference for bats. This article [by Merlin Tuttle] was originally submitted as an email to the editor. On January 13, I explained the harm done by biased portrayal of bats. The editor promptly requested permission to publish my […]