We are now able to accept stock donations – contact us for details. If you’d like to support our endowment, you can find more information here or contact us at the link above.
Grants and donations totaling $500 or more for calendar year 2024
Tejemos Foundation
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Judith Bolen
Noah Juknavorian
The Philecology Foundation
Mindy Vescovo
Tom and Cathy Staver, and Tom & Cathy Staver Foundation at Coastal Community Foundation
Gloria Galt Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation
Bill Goddard
Michael Karapetian
Cirrus Logic Environmental Action Network (CLEAN)
Bonnie Miles
George C. Vaughan
Joe Abouata
Caroline V. Bissell
Calvin Butchkoski
Derek Butler
Robert Call
Anastasia Chisiu
Crest Equity Management, LLC
Lynette Davila-Murphy
Kim Duffek
Robin Eastham
Robin Eastham, Ehrlich Family Fund within the Racine Community Foundation
Sharon Evgenides
Sharon and Joseph Goldston
Ashley Hay
Jean Jarvis
George Jett and Gwen Brewer
Clinton Kennedy
Lisa P. & Thomas M. Read Family Fund
Thien Nguyen
Alvaro Prieto
Mary and Ross Read
Walter Rowntree
Barbara Rutter
Mary D. Smith
Sera Steves
Joshua Tripp
Dave Weaver
Loti Woods and Dale Weiler
Roger Wolfson
Zep Tepi Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation
Chris Amaris
Tyrone Babcock
Lisa Bernier
James Bledsoe
Amy and Steve Brown
Richard Burgess
Cara Rozell & Roger Kornfein Foundation
Mark Caridi-Scheible
James Checco
Kathleen Estes-Morgan
Jay Evarts
Natasha Figueroa
Deborah Fine-Ferreira
Nathaniel Frey
David Fromm
Tracy Gamble
Christopher Garman
Katherine Hadley
Paul Haggard
Sharon Hamor
Phoebe Janflone
Angela Keys
Mike Kobe
Gabrielle Krake
Paul and Allison Lampert
Joanna Langdale
Meagan Mayo
D. McKellar
Constance Moothart
Dania Moss
Ian Nixon
Craig Pals
Mike Pigott
Savannah Pratt
Nancy Rodgers
Matthew St. Louis
Joanne Seehousen-Jackson
Jody Shoup
Jill Smith
Amy Spencer
Charles Stewart
Mary Stockard
Katherine Terrell
Linda Tomas
Lydia Trom
Allen Upward
Curtis Vaughan III
Adam Wegrzyn
Robert Weinstein
Barbara and Daniel Williams
Ashton Wilson
Grants and donations totaling $500 or more for calendar year 2023
Mindy Vescovo
Gloria Galt Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation
Michael Karapetian
Lee and Ramona Bass Foundation
Jeff Acopian
Judith Bolen
Cathy & Tom Staver
Highlands Nature Sanctuary, Inc.
Kerry Graham
Bonnie Miles
RecognizeGood the Foundation
Joe Abouata
Calvert & Sally Simmons Foundation, in Honor of Amanda Simmons
Caroline Bissell
Cara Rozell and Roger Kornfein Foundation
James Bledsoe
Derek Butler
Robert Call
Anastasia Chisiu
Lynette Davila-Murphy
Robin Eastham
Kathleen Estes-Morgan
Sharon & Joseph Goldston
George Hagerman
Daniel Hargreaves
Ashley Hay
Hella and Scott McVay Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
Jean Jarvis
Clinton Kennedy
Thien Nguyen
Alvaro Prieto
Racine Community Foundation
Mary Read
Walter Rowntree
Kathryn Rudnick
Barbara Rutter
Mary D Smith
Southeastern Cave Conservancy, Inc.
Sera Steves
Swift River Pecans LLC
Gretchen Van Cleave
Kody Wallace
The Wibbels Humane Fund, Lawrence & Jane Wibbels
Roger Wolfson
Loti Woods and Dale Weiler
Chris Amaris
Austin Water Balcones Canyonlands Preserve
Tyrone Babcock
Lisa Bernier
Mathew Brady
Gwenda Brewer
Amy & Steve Brown
Richard Burgess
Robert Burken
Mark Caridi-Scheible
Kris Chambers
James Checco
Eugenio Clariond
Jay Evarts
Natasha Figueroa
Deborah Fine-Ferreira
E Fisher
Anthony and Roya Franseth
Nathaniel Frey
Nancy Gaedke
Tracy Gamble
Christopher Garman
Katherine Hadley
Sharon Hamor
Kerry Hirth
Joanne & Michael Jackson
Phoebe Janflone
Kurt Johnson
Stella and Sharad Kapur
Justin Killgoar
Michael & Karen Kobe
Gabrielle Krake
Paul and Allison Lampert
Barbara Macdonald
Roger Manley
Ellen Marks
Meagan Mayo
Ngoc Nguyen
Ian Nixon
Mike Pigott
Savannah Pratt
Douglas Rath
Matthew St. Louis
Shannon Shaddock
Jody Shoup
Jill Smith
Molly Smith
Mary Stockard
Katherine Terrell
Jane Thompson
Linda Tomas
Allen Upward
Terek Varland
Mary Warwick
Melodie Watson
Dave Weaver
Adam Wegrzyn
Barbara & Daniel Williams
Ashton Wilson
Corrie Woods
Mark Yockey
Grants and donations totaling $500 or more for calendar year 2022
Tejemos Foundation
Mindy Vescovo
Kathy Estes-Morgan
Jean Jarvis
Joan Negley Kelleher Living Trust
Michael Karapetian
Joanna Langdale
Margaret Sprenger
Cathy Staver
Gwen Brewer
Kris Chambers
Matt Gove
Herlinda Hernandez
Barbara Rutter
Maria Serrano
William Scanlan III
The Summerlee Foundation
Kate Yates
Alyson Yates
Jeff Acopian
Benjamin Gostisha
Alex Hoar
Sally-Ann Hurry
Lisa P. & Thomas M. Read Family Fund
Racine Community Foundation
Jennifer Shallman
Swift River Pecans LLC
Lynne Ayres, In Honor of Bonnie Miles
James Bledsoe
Robert Call
Anastasia Chisiu
Sandra Denman
Sharon Goldston
Daniel Hargreaves
Charles Jackson
George Jett
Clinton Kennedy
Ashlyn Higareda and Harry Lee
Josef Loeffler
Bonnie Miles
Thien Nguyen
North American Symposium on Bat Research (NASBR)
Andy Pastor
The Post Family
RecognizeGood the Foundation
Walter Rowntree
Matthew St. Louis
Evan Segal
Silicon Labs
Lorie and Bud Sjogren
Mary D Smith
Kody Wallace
Loti Woods
Chris Amaris
Austin Community Foundation, Recommended by Mari & Dudley Houghton
Nina Beck
Lisa Bernier
Caroline Bissell
Mat Brady
Darla Brunner
Richard Burgess
Igino Cafiero
Cara Rozell and Roger Kornfein Foundation
Mark Caridi-Scheible
James Checco
Eugenio Clariond
Ted Dewald
Carol Eklund
Natasha Figueroa
Roya and Anthony Franseth
Nathaniel Frey
Nancy Gaedke
Tracy Gamble
Genevieve Gurnick
Katherine Hadley
Sharon Hamor
Elisabeth Hartman
Daisy Hollman
Phoebe Janflone
Justin Killgoar
Gene Landriau
Sally Lincoln in Honor of Nick Lincoln
Barbara Macdonald
Meagan Mayo
Dave McClure
Ian Nixon
Savannah Pratt
Mary Read
Cara Rozell
Theresa Rutz
Joanne Seehousen-Jackson
Jody Shoup
Jill Smith
Mary Stockard
Deborah Stuck
Katherine Terrell
Jane Thompson
Linda Tomas
Carole Tower
Vince Vannelli
Terek Varland
Adam Wegrzyn
Barbara C Williams
Ashton Wilson
Nate Wolverton
Mo Zhu
Betsy Zimmerman
Al Kisner, Alexandra Clarfield, Amy Ejma, Andrew Puntch, Anita Buck, Ann Heagney, Ariadna Morales, Ariana Tellez, Baptiste Chadeyron, Barbara Williams, Barbara Royal, Beth Robertson, Bill Bowser, Bridget Odgen, Bryan Bongey, Bryan Pearson, Callie Herman, Carol Tiderman, Cathleen O’Laughlin, Cathy Pohlman, Cecilia Ball, Chris Borthistle, Christine Cuccia, Christopher Dickey, Claire Szeto, Claude Villemagne, Connie Beroza, Courtney Donnell, Courtney Kimmel, Craig Stihler, Cynthia Myers, Cynthy Whitlock, Dania Moss, Daniel Hargreaves, Daniela Schmieder, Danielle Brancazio, Dave Weaver, David King, Dean Jones, Deborah Zent, Deepti Boddapati, Derek Allen, Donald Jones, Derek Morningstar, Donald Oestreicher, Dylan Goldade, Ed and Vicki Bass, Ed West, Edward Frederick, Eldrid Kaplan, Elizabeth Flaco, Ellen Douglass Emmanuel Cosson, Eric Coppinger, Eva Marie Boel, Formosan Golden Bat’s Home, Fred Thom Jr., Frances Larson, Francine Prager, Frank Bibin, Frank Verbeek, Galen Hekhuis, Geoffrey Gomes, Greg Asay, Greg Falxa, Gretchen Van Cleave, Guy Baele, Hugo Vargas-Zesati, Ian Nixon, Ina Helmers, Jacob Erdman, James Grantges, Janell Cannon, Janet Thorne, Jay Obojski, Jay Ritterson, Jeanette Lebrecht, Jeffrey Dinardo, Jennifer Judd, Jennifer Westerfeld, Jerry Hughes, Jerry Palmer, Jesse Labbe, Jesus Rafael, Jinhong Luo, JoAnn Kennedy, JoEllen Arnold, Joel Stewart, Joel Tigner, Joette Martin, John Vogt, Jonathan Duward, Jon Mills, Jonas Steiger, Jonathan Townsend, Joy Devito, Jody Carthur, Judy Curran, Juana Ham, Karen Black, Karen Slote, Karen Tuttle, Karla Payes, Karlissa Martin, Katherine Roberts, Kathryn Ehlert, Katheryn Taylor, Kathleen Estes, Kathy Moran, Kelly Franson, Ken Bowman, Kimberly Borrowdale, KN Richards, Kody Wallace, Koryn Woodward, Kristine Shallman, Kyndal Irwin, Kypfer Cordts, Laura Shireman, Lawrence Love, Lee and Ramona Bass, Linda Moore, Linda Williams, Lisa Card, Lisa and Thomas Read, Lucyn Wielgos, Lucas Miller, Luke Davison, Margaret Moody, Maria Serrano, Marie Pino, Marren and Mark Adkins, Mary Mousseau, Mary and Ross Read, Mary Smith, Mel Sunquist, Melinda McBride, Melissa Donnelly, Mindy Vescovo, Nancy Goodman, Natalia Gonzales, Parks Association, Pam Resurreccion, Paul Motts, Paula Tuttle, Paula Wong, Peter Dunlap Shohl, Peter Ommundsen, Rachel Ristine, Rebecca Edwards, Reed Crawford, Rene Walker, Rhea Groepper Pettit, Richard LaVal, Robert and Cecilia Ball, Robert J. Nuelle, Jr., Rodrigo Antonio Araujo Pires, Russell Galen, Sasha Elan Stimmel, Sally Christy, Sandy and Cindy Read, Scott Osborn, Shahroukh Mistry, Sharon Forsyth, Sharon and Joe Goldston, Sharon and Larry Nichta, Sharon Ogle, Sharon Siekerman, Sharon Yildiz, Sherry Ross, Sky Chaney, Stephanie Sheperd, Stephen Saunders, Steve Bohleber, Susan Estes, Susan McGrath, Szilard Bucs, Snode-Brennman Kinion, Teresa Nichta, Tessa Laird, Thomas Butts, Thomas Ryan, Tim Tapio, Trinibats, Wilson Uieda.
2024 © Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation. All rights reserved.
Madelline Mathis has a degree in environmental studies from Rollins College and a passion for wildlife conservation. She is an outstanding nature photographer who has worked extensively with Merlin and other MTBC staff studying and photographing bats in Mozambique, Cuba, Costa Rica, and Texas. Following college graduation, she was employed as an environmental specialist for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. She subsequently founded the Florida chapter of the International DarkSky Association and currently serves on the board of DarkSky Texas. She also serves on the board of Houston Wilderness and was appointed to the Austin Water Resource Community Planning Task Force.
Michael Lazari Karapetian has over twenty years of investment management experience. He has a degree in business management, is a certified NBA agent, and gained early experience as a money manager for the Bank of America where he established model portfolios for high-net-worth clients. In 2003 he founded Lazari Capital Management, Inc. and Lazari Asset Management, Inc. He is President and CIO of both and manages over a half a billion in assets. In his personal time he champions philanthropic causes. He serves on the board of Moravian College and has a strong affinity for wildlife, both funding and volunteering on behalf of endangered species.