At Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation we’re overjoyed to finally launch our membership campaign. Members at the Leadership level or above were given priority invitations to view the famous Congress Avenue Bridge bat emergence with Merlin aboard a chartered Capital Cruises boat. We all gathered at the Hyatt Hotel’s lounge for drinks (and queso) and to meet and get acquainted. The first member to sign up for the cruise was Janell Cannon, the author of the classic children’s book Stellaluna. Janell graciously signed copies of her book, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary!

At last, four columns of thousands of bats, up to 1.5 million, began to emerge!

Our new website, AustinBats.ORG, is dedicated solely to these bats, providing America’s most spectacular urban wildlife event! Many thanks to our sponsor Capital Cruises and Captain Swan for a fun cruise!